Now in its sixth year, thanks to its success, UJ4KIDS has earned a special place in the Festival’s architecture. It is a festival within the festival, focused on youngsters who are the true protagonists. It is a daily section (July 14-21) with an intense program of educational activities, workshops, recitals and entertainment. Fondazione Umbria Jazz started collaborating in 2018 with local authorities, public schools and private music schools to promote jazz music for each age group and its introduction in schools. This is how you educate the future audience and a new generation of musicians.
UJ4KIDS stands as a service and reference activity for public schools with musical orientation, music schools and professional associations, teachers, families, pediatricians and musicians. The declared intent is to make children and teenagers the protagonists of music events for once and show the results of the work done for years in our region through entertainment and dissemination: it is considered an instrument of cultural and social growth.
From July 14, as in the past two years, the garden area of the Arena Santa Giuliana will host a full calendar of activities for the youngsters to promote an approach to jazz music and its instruments besides the knowledge of the voice and body. There will be activities for all ages, including babies and pregnant women, for which dedicated music activities have been scheduled with the support of the Associazione Culturale Pediatri (Cultural Association of Pediatricians) through the project called “Nati per la Musica”.
July 18 | Program
10am | Suggested age: 3-6 years
Workshop “Tiny Tunes – Let’s Blues” by Francesca Lisetto and Alessandro Pacetta, in collaboration with the Associazione “La Banda degli Unisoni” of Perugia.
11am | Suggested age: 6-10 years
“Music and Cinema: from Musical to Film Music”by Spazio Musica and the Musical Laboratories of Perugia.